Monday, September 21, 2009

Opportunities Come And Go, So Be Ready!!!!

Opportunities present themselves at different times and places and spaces of your life. All you can do is prepare your self for the opportunities that will arise. I find myself at this time in my life preparing for what I believe will be a huge door opening in a arena of life that I know I am gifted by God to be in. But if I don't prepare myself, and think I'm just gonna sit here and say, "God move me where you know I need to be." without putting in the work to better myself, I would be ignorant. Instead I put in time and dedication, cultivating the gifts that God has given me so that when he allows me to have the opportunity, I can shine and give him the glory for the gifts he has so graciously given.

That principle applies to any gift in the life of anyone who recognizes there God given gift and says, Lord I am going to do all I can to use this gift you have gave to the best of my ability. I'm trusting that you are going to open the doors that are needed to be opened to take me where you want me to go to uplift and encourage whomever you need to encourage thru the gift you have so graciously given me. God is faithful and will never fail at opening the doors for us when we say, ok Lord I'm ready to trust and depend on you and have the faith in you, that you are going to bless me in the area of my gifts.

Too often we try to use our gifts the way that others use them. We want to be just like Jonny Lee and Sally Sue. Well why would you want to be a carbon copy, when God has exclusively made you an original. The Encouragement for you is to Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path! That's a promise from the word of God. Remember these words and apply your God given gifts to everyday life, and you will truly see good fruit produced in your life. Be blessed, strengthened and Encouraged.